Jana Aune Deach Awarded Professionalism Award by Hennepin County Bar Association Family Law Section


Moss & Barnett family law attorneys, Susan Rhode, and Jim Vedder had the privilege of presenting fellow Moss & Barnett family law attorney, Jana Aune Deach, with the Hennepin County Bar Association Family Law Section’s Professionalism Award at the Spring 2022 Family Court Bench and Bar Round-table held on May 18, 2022.

"Recognizing the unique nature of family law, this award is presented to members of the bar who best exemplify the pursuit of the practice of law as a profession, including the promotion of the highest possible level of competence, integrity, and ethical conduct. Professionalism fosters respect and trust between lawyers, the judiciary and the public, serves the best interests of clients and families, promotes the efficient resolution of disputes, and improves the administration of justice."

In honor of this recognition, the family law team further honored Jana at the event with a donation of $500 to Breaking Free, an organization Jana cares deeply about.

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