Unappealing Property Tax Statement? Let’s Appeal. File by April 30, 2024.
By now, you have likely received your property tax statement for this year and next year. Coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the ambiguities that it caused, we have seen many Minnesota counties implementing large property value increases on properties throughout the state. The unappealing part of a higher property valuation means your tax burden has also likely increased. As a result, an appeal of the increased valuation may be in order.
In Minnesota, anyone with an interest in real property is entitled to file a property tax appeal, often referred to as a petition, to contest the county’s tax assessed valuation for taxing purposes. If there is adequate support that the value of your property has been overstated, you may be able to reduce the resulting tax obligation. To appeal the property taxes you owe this year, an appeal must be filed on or before April 30th of the year in which the taxes are owed. For example, property taxes payable in 2024, which were set on January 2, 2023, must be appealed on or before April 30, 2024.
If you believe that your property’s assessed value is higher than it should be, or is unequally valued in relation to nearby properties, please do not hesitate to contact your Moss & Barnett attorney and, specifically, Moss & Barnett attorney Mike Etmund.
Michael T. Etmund