Spend Money to Make Money! Investing in Your Legal/Compliance Team can Boost Your Bottom-Line

Radisson Blue Aqua, Chicago, IL
11.07.2024 | 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. (CT)

Moss & Barnett financial services attorney Issa K. Moe will be part of a panel presenting, "Spend Money to Make Money! Investing in Your Legal/Compliance Team can Boost Your Bottom-Line," at the ACA International Fall Forum to he held on November 6-8, 2024, in Chicago, Illinois.

There's a common misconception in business that legal and compliance teams are nothing more than cost centers. That they may be a necessary evil, but they drain critical company resources. Contrary to those beliefs, these trained professionals are valuable partners to the business line. They can save your company money and strengthen its reputation in the industry. Join a panel of experts for a thought-provoking discussion on how you can increase your bottom line and become a more profitable business by strategically investing in your legal and compliance teams. This session will address ways in which you can realize a measurable return on your investment in strong compliance and legal staff, such as by enhancing your ability to identify areas of legal risk and making process improvements before getting sued thereby reducing lawsuits and legal costs, strengthening your compliance management systems which can in turn lead to more efficient audits and examinations by clients and regulators, better protecting your brand and other valuable intellectual property, and protecting your business interests through stronger agreements with clients and vendors. Attendees will learn and collaborate with peers on these and other important topics and return to their companies with actionable tips and best practice ideas they can use to optimize their legal and compliance programs.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Learn how investing in legal and compliance teams can strengthen your company's reputation and save money by preventing legal issues before they arise.
  2. Understand how to enhance your ability to spot potential legal risks and implement process improvements, reducing the likelihood of lawsuits and lowering legal costs.
  3. Explore strategies for strengthening compliance management systems, leading to more efficient audits, better client and regulator interactions, and stronger agreements with clients and vendors.

